Print Management Software
At ALE, we complement our range of printers and MFDs with industry-leading print control software such as PaperCut MF, Equitrac and Uni-Flow – giving you a crucial insight into your print costs, and helping you make the most of your company resources. Printing is often one of the largest un-managed expenses in an organisation, with responsibility usually falling across multiple departments, but print control software helps you maintain a clear view of the big picture at all times.
The software we specify features intuitive, intelligent dashboards that enable you to access all kinds of usage reports, and see exactly who is printing what, when and to which device. From the centralised dashboard, you can also track costs by user, department, client or project, and create smart usage policies to encourage or enforce sensible, environmentally friendly printing.
Network and data security are principal concerns for the modern business, but while organisations are quick to safeguard laptops, smartphones and tablets, protection of the print environment is often overlooked. MFDs with built-in network connectivity and storage are as susceptible to external threat as any networked device, so at ALE, we give print security the attention it deserves. Through our print control software, we’ll give you the peace of mind that your documents and network are totally safe from unauthorised access, providing secure access protocols fully customised for your business needs.
We can also secure your devices with user authentication via a touch screen or card reader at the MFD, and add an extra layer of security to protect sensitive documents by using watermarking and digital signatures that add an owner ID to every document. With maximum fines for data security breaches set to rise with the new ‘general data protection regulation’ (GDPR) legislation in May 2018, there’s never been a better time to turn your attention towards print security.